31 October 2015
• Dark City
21 October 2015
• Back to the Future I & II
11 October 2015
• Inside Out
10 January 2013
• African Queen (1951) – 0 votes, 0%
• Bringing Up Baby (1938) – 2 Votes, 40%
• Mr. Smith goes to Washington (1939) – 3 Votes, 60%
09 January 2012
Another year, another Movienight! Which movie would you like to see on Friday, January 13?
• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (USA 2004) – 6 Votes, 85,7%
• Burn After Reading (USA 2008) – 0 Vote, 0%
• Der nackte Mann auf dem Sportplatz (GDR 1974) – 1 Vote, 14,3%
07 November 2011
It is getting darker and colder outside. It is time to restart the Movienights! Which movie would you like to see on Friday, November 11?
• Pappa Ante Portas (DE 1991) – 1 Vote, 25%
• Lost in Translation (USA 2003) – 3 Votes, 75%
• Groundhog Day (USA 1993) – 0 Vote, 0%
23 March 2011
As we did not have a movienight since our ‚Oscar Special‘ I would like to ask you „Which movie would you like to see on Friday, April 1?“
Reagan (USA, 2010)
1 25%
Kaméleon (HU, 2008)
3 75%
11 January 2011
Which movie would you like to see on Friday, January 14 Friday, February 11?
3 60%
Two days in Paris
1 20%
Burn After Reading
1 20%
05 January 2011
Which movie would you like to see on Friday, January 14 Friday, February 11?
• Two days in Paris (USA, 2007)
• Burn After Reading (USA, 2008)
• Moon (USA, 2009)
01 January 2011
The next movienights in 2011 will take place on:
• January 14
• February 11
• March 11
26 November 2010
Which movie would you like to see on Friday, November 26?
Metropolis (D 1927)
5 62.5%
もののけ姫 (Princess Mononoke, J 1997)
2 25%
Watchmen (USA 2009)
1 12.5%
18 November 2010
Dear all,
The next movie night will be Friday, 26 November. The perfect possibility to check my new couch! 🙂
Please vote for one of the three movies in the box on the right:
• Metropolis (D 1927)
• もののけ姫 (Princess Mononoke, J 1997)
• Watchmen (USA 2009)
06 November 2010
Which movie would you like to see on Friday, November 05?
Finding Nemo
4 66.7%
2 33.3%
0 0%
13 October 2010 (24 September 2010):
Please vote for one of the three movies in the box on the right for October 15 November 5:
• Carambolages (France 1963)
• Finding Nemo (USA 2003)
• Heaven (D/USA 2001)
24 September 2010
Which movie would you like to see on Friday, September 24?
Spur der Steine
4 57.1%
3 42.9%
The Dancer Upstairs
0 0%
21 September 2010
Dear friends,
after the poll is closed, I’m glad to invite you to the first Movienight which will take place this Friday, September 24 at 19:00h at Strandstr. 29. There will be chips, beer and softdrinks.
Please vote for one of the three movies in the box on the right if you plan to come along:
• Spur der Steine (GDR 1966)
• Carambolages (France 1963)
• The Dancer Upstairs (USA/Spain 2002)
The next movienights in 2010 will take place on:
• October 15
• November 5
• November 26
• December 17
Just drop by if you feel like, a registration is not needed. But remember: There is a limited number of seats on my couch… 😉
If you have a proposal for a movie for one of those dates, please put it to the comments.
I’m looking forward to see you on Friday!
20 September 2010
(1) How often should the movienight take place?
Once a month: 4 57.1%
Once a week: 2 28.6%
Twice a month: 1 14.3%
(2) Which day do you prefer?
Thursday: 3 42.9%
Friday: 3 42.9%
Tuesday: 1 14.3%
(3) When should the movienight start?
ASAP: 2 33.3%
October: 4 66.7%
November: 0 0%
December: 0 0%
(4) At what time should the movienight start?
19:00h: 6 85.7%
20:00h: 1 14.3%
18:00h: 0 0%
21:00h: 0 0%
10 September 2010
Dear friends,
The darker seasons are about to start or even already here. As we can not spend so much time outside anymore my idea was to initiate a movienight which is held in regulary intervals. It will take place at my place and there will be always snacks and drinks. I’ll always make proposals for movies and you’ll choose by online voting. The movies will be shown in original language and with English subtitles if necessary. Everything else will be very informal. No registration or preparation needed: Just drop by, if you feel like.
Please let me know how you like the idea by making your votes in the boxes at the right.
Comments can be placed here. I know you are shy. Just in case. You never know…
A media list from our extensive DVD and bluray collection should also be available soon!
There will be chips?!
*rofl* There will be poker another night! Großes Indianerehrenwo rt!